Menopause Cream: Balance Plus Cream Jar
This cream is especially suitable for women in and after menopause who experience frequent hot flashes and other symptoms of estrogen deficiency.
Which cream is better for menopause and perimenopause; progesterone or progesterone with a little estrogen?
When you have hormonal complaints, you want a solution that is quick, effective, and safe. You opt for bioidentical cream instead of regular chemical medication. However, it can be challenging to decide which cream to use if you are around 50 years old. When you enter menopause, your estrogen levels also decline. This means you have both a progesterone and an estrogen deficiency. Which cream should you use?
What Symptoms Determine the Choice Between Progesterone or Estrogen for Menopause?
A frequently asked question about progesterone cream is when to use the "regular" progesterone cream (Balance Therapy) and when to use the phyto (Balance Plus Therapy). The phyto cream is progesterone cream with some (60 mg) phytoestrogens. This is a natural substance with the same properties as our own estrogen.
When you are around 50 years old, the question of which cream to use arises. You can choose between progesterone or estrogen cream based on your symptoms.
The main symptoms of estrogen deficiency are:
Hot flashes: more than 8-10 per day
Night sweats
Vaginal dryness or itching
Loss of libido
If you experience a lot of hot flashes (8-10 or more per day) and night sweats, it is advisable to start using Balance Plus.
If you have hot flashes but not more than a few per day, start with progesterone cream. If that does not or insufficiently alleviate the symptoms, then switch to Balance Plus.
For most women who are just entering menopause, progesterone cream is sufficient to balance their hormones. They will notice improved sleep, reduced hot flashes, regular menstruation, etc.
Some women alternate between Balance and Balance Plus. Sometimes using a jar of Balance, and then a jar of Plus, or one in the morning and the other in the evening.
Summary of Progesterone or Estrogen in Menopause:
Women with PMS and/or just entering menopause: Only progesterone (Femine Balance)
Women with more than 10 hot flashes per day and significant night sweats: Progesterone with a little estrogen (Femine Balance Plus)
Women in menopause (who have not had a period for a year) can usually start directly with Balance Plus.
If you no longer menstruate, use the cream for 25 consecutive days and then take a 5-day break. Repeat every month.
If your cycle is irregular, it can be difficult to determine the start day. Use the cream for 2 weeks and then take a 2-week break. Or you can use the cream for 25 consecutive days and then take a 5-day break. This depends on your symptoms. If you have many symptoms, taking a 2-week break might be too long. Start with only a 5-day break or no break at all for a few months.
Not sure which cream to use? Email me at (
Use 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of the cream twice daily.
Water, Aloe Vera Gel*, Black Cohosh, Burdock Root*, Shea Butter*, Vegetable Glycerin, Milk Thistle Extract*, USP Progesterone (derived from Wild Yam), Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense) Leaf Extract*, Siberian Ginseng, Chamomile Extract, Lecithin, Evening Primrose Oil, Vitamin E, Grape Seed Extract*, Allantoin
*Certified Organic
Plant-based, Toxin-free, Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Cruelty-free, No synthetic fragrances
Made in the USA in small batches for optimal benefits
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