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Masculine Balance therapy

Testosteron gel
Masculine Balance therapy
4 Reviews | Add review
Specially for men
€ 49,95
Price per 100 gram

Testosterone-Boosting Gel

This hormone cream for men helps increase testosterone naturally without side effects. Not only does it boost testosterone, but it also balances the production of estrogen. And you will notice the difference. Adding testosterone directly is very harmful. But what can be done is adding progesterone, which enables your body to produce testosterone on its own. This is completely safe and effective. Read our blogs for more information.

The so-called Andropause in men can come with unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Reduced Libido and Sexual Dysfunction

A symptom that can indicate low testosterone levels is reduced sexual desire. Men may experience a decrease in the desire for sexual activity, which can lead to tension in intimate relationships. Moreover, low testosterone can lead to sexual dysfunctions, such as erectile dysfunction, where men have difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection. Men may struggle greatly with this and feel ashamed, making it even more difficult. They avoid intimate contact and feel bad about it.

  1. Fatigue and Lack of Energy

One of the most common symptoms of low testosterone levels is persistent fatigue and a lack of energy. Men may find themselves exhausted even after a good night's sleep and struggle to carry out daily activities with the same vitality. Often, multiple cups of coffee and just pushing through are chosen as a solution, but this only worsens the exhaustion.

  1. Emotional Fluctuations and Depression

Low testosterone levels can negatively impact men's emotional health. Mood swings, irritability, and even depressive symptoms can occur. This emotional turbulence can significantly affect men's mental well-being and quality of life. It can be strange and unsettling for a normally stable man to experience mood swings suddenly.

  1. Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength

Another noticeable effect of low testosterone levels is the loss of muscle mass and strength. Testosterone plays a crucial role in building and maintaining muscle tissue. Men with low testosterone levels often find it difficult to build and maintain muscle mass, even with regular exercise. This is frustrating and demotivating. Additionally, they no longer gain energy from exercising, which worsens the fatigue.

  1. Increase in Body Fat

Low testosterone levels can also contribute to an increase in body fat, especially around the abdominal area. This increases the risk of obesity, which in turn raises the risk of other health issues, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. While lifestyle has a significant influence on body fat, low testosterone can be the culprit if you gain weight despite eating healthily.

  1. Reduced Concentration and Cognitive Functions

Testosterone plays a role in cognitive function and mental sharpness. Men with low testosterone levels may find it challenging to concentrate, experience memory loss, and notice a general decline in cognitive performance. It becomes increasingly difficult to perform well.

  1. Changes in Sleep Patterns

Low testosterone levels can also affect sleep quality. Men with low testosterone levels may struggle to fall asleep, experience restless sleep, or wake up frequently at night.

  1. Hair Loss

A visible symptom of low testosterone levels is hair loss. Men may notice that their hair growth slows, especially on the scalp.

  1. Reduced Bone Density

Testosterone plays a role in maintaining strong bones. Low levels can lead to reduced bone density and an increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

  1. Mood and Self-Confidence

Low testosterone levels can lead to a decrease in self-confidence and self-esteem. Men may notice that they feel less confident in various aspects of their lives. All symptoms tend to interact and reinforce each other.


Use of Testosterone Boost Cream:

Apply one pump daily on areas where the skin is thin, such as the neck, face, inner arms, or ankles. It can also be applied directly to the scrotum. Apply for 25 days per month and then take a 5-6 day break.

Bio-Identical USP Progesterone Cream for Men


Water/Eau, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Gel*, Persea Gratissma (Avocado) Oil*, Vegetable Glycerin, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Extract*, Serenoa Repens (Saw Palmetto)*, Silymarin Marianum (Milk Thistle) Extract*, USP Progesterone (derived from Wild Yam), Stearic Acid (Vegetable Oil), Chamomile Extract,  Vitamin E (Tocopherol), Cucurbita Pepo (Pumpkin Seed) Oil, Vitus Vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract*, Vitamin A Palmitate. *Certified Organic

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Anonymous - 26-04-2024 12:39


Johannes - 05-04-2024 10:07

Na mijn wat negatieve mail laatst via bol wil ik toch het één en ander rechtzetten.
Dezelfde avond na mijn mail zijn mijn vrouw en ik intiem geweest.
Niet zomaar intiem, maar alsof ik weer een twintiger was
De dag erna wederom tot mijn grote verbazing.
Ik voel me stukken krachtiger en energieker.
Dat na een weekje smeren.
Mijn dank is heel groot

Ipa - 29-01-2024 15:24

Ik gebruik het nog maar een maand,maar voel mij nu al mentaal en fysiek veel beter in mijn vel 👍

Michel - 03-07-2023 23:32

Binnen enkele dagen voelde ik dat mijn spieren zich vulden, het heeft een goede zet gegeven om de lichamelijke oefeningen weer op te pakken. Superblij met deze gel. Langere duur is nog onbekend, maar dit zetje is voor mij zeer waardevol. Diagnose : psc/leverziekte, colitis ulcerosa, maar deze ziekten zijn zo goed als vedwenen door lichttherapie(xpo) en nog beter ( lees zuiverder) te eten en en drinken