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high temperature and hormones

high temperature and hormones

The impact of high outside temperatures on our bodies should not be underestimated, especially when it comes to the functioning of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. These sex hormones play a crucial role in various bodily functions, including the regulation of reproduction and the menstrual cycle in women. In this blog, we will delve deeper into how high temperatures can affect these hormones and what the possible consequences are.


High outside temperature and the impact on hormones


Heat stress and hormone production

One of the main ways high temperatures influence our bodies is through heat stress. Prolonged exposure to heat can have a direct impact on hormone production. Scientific studies show that extreme heat can disrupt the production of both progesterone and estrogen. For women, this can lead to temporary disruptions in the menstrual cycle, such as irregularities or a temporary absence of menstruation. In cases of sustained heat stress, this can even result in a prolonged decrease in hormone production, leading to further hormonal imbalances.


Disruption of hormonal balance

In addition to the direct influence on hormone production, extreme heat can also disrupt the balance between progesterone and estrogen. Normally, these hormones work in harmony to maintain a balanced hormone system. However, exposure to high temperatures can upset this balance. Research suggests that increased temperatures can lead to a rise in estrogen production while progesterone levels decline. This imbalance can lead to various physical and emotional complaints, such as menstrual disorders, mood swings, and sleep problems. For people using our creams to restore this balance, this is an important factor to consider.


Impact on body temperature

Increased ambient temperatures also affect internal body temperature, which in turn can influence hormone levels. The human body strives to keep its internal temperature within a narrow range. However, when exposed to heat, body temperature rises, triggering a chain reaction. The hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for regulating body temperature, may send signals to the pituitary gland to adjust hormone release. This can eventually lead to changes in the production of both progesterone and estrogen.


Heat stress and hormonal disturbances

High temperatures can also indirectly influence hormone balance by causing heat stress and dehydration. Heat stress increases levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, which in turn can disrupt the production and regulation of progesterone and estrogen. Additionally, dehydration, a common consequence of heat, can lead to disruptions in normal hormone production and function.


Specific risk groups

It is important to emphasize that the impact of high temperatures on hormones can vary depending on individual factors such as age, health condition, and existing hormonal balance. For example, pregnant women and women in menopause may be more sensitive to the effects of heat due to the already present hormonal changes in their bodies. For people already undergoing hormone treatments, such as using our creams, it may be wise to adjust the dosage during extremely hot temperatures.



High outside temperatures can have significant effects on hormone levels, particularly on the production and balance of progesterone and estrogen. Prolonged exposure to heat can not only disrupt hormone production but also lead to indirect hormonal imbalances through heat stress and dehydration. For those undergoing hormone treatments, it may be essential to pay extra attention to their dosage during warm periods. Understanding these effects helps to be better prepared and to maintain hormonal balance, even under extreme weather conditions.

  hoge temperatuur, zomer, hitte     15-08-2024 10:25     Comments ( 0 )
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