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Too old to start using BalancePlus cream

Too old to start using BalancePlus cream

Am I too old to start using BalancePlus cream?

"Good day, my question is whether I can still start using BalancePlus cream after menopause, or is it simply too late? I haven't menstruated for 8 years."

I regularly receive questions from women (and increasingly from men) about whether there is a maximum age for starting to use hormone creams. Does it still make sense to start using the cream when you're 70 or 80 years old?
The answer is quite simple: Hormonal imbalances can cause symptoms at any age, and it’s a shame to let those symptoms negatively impact your life.


Examples of symptoms caused by hormonal imbalance as you age:

  • Stress affects you more severely and can knock you down.
  • Weight gain.
  • Depressive thoughts.
  • Unexplained, bothersome anxieties.
  • Skin aging too quickly.
  • Osteoporosis, and therefore the fear of falling and breaking a hip.
  • Little or no libido.
  • Vaginal dryness.
  • Feeling old and lacking strength.


And what are the effects of using the cream?

I am currently 62 years old and have been using the cream for about 10 years. The benefits I’ve noticed from continuing to use it include:

  • Five years ago, I broke my arm in an accident, and a bone density test was done. The reward for years of using the cream was that my bone density was perfectly fine.
  • I’m healthy, don’t take any medications, and everything functions well.
  • Other hormones work better (e.g., insulin and thyroid hormones).
  • I’m active and, as a result, fit.
  • Muscle growth from exercise outweighs muscle loss. I’m actually quite strong.
  • I haven’t gained weight.
  • My hairdresser always praises the quality of my hair.
  • My nails are strong and beautiful.
  • I can handle quite a bit of stress.
  • My libido is healthy.
  • I don’t suffer from depression or anxiety.
  • I’m rarely sick.
  • I feel confident.


So, does using the cream solve everything?

Of course, I didn’t achieve all this just by using BalancePlus cream. That would be too simple.

My whole life is focused on staying healthy for as long as possible, and I make my daily choices based on that desire. Exercise, minimal carbohydrates and alcohol, fostering healthy relationships, and of course, the healing work I do. Unresolved issues from the past no longer have a chance to significantly impact me.

But still… my hormonal balance is the foundation of all this. Sometimes I didn’t use the cream for six months, and I noticed the difference (for example, I would become more easily stressed when talking to a customer service representative who couldn’t understand what needed to be done).
I no longer take long breaks from using the cream. Now, I apply a very small amount once a day as maintenance (I think I use a single pump for at least six months). I take five days off per month.

Now I understand why my mother was so nervous and easily upset when she was 90 years old. How different it might have been if she had started using Balance Plus.


Is it still worthwhile to start using the cream if you’ve been in menopause for a long time?

You are never too old to start using Balance Plus cream. Let the results surprise you. The idea that aging inevitably means significant decline has long been debunked. If you choose to stay fit and healthy well into old age, that is usually possible. But you do have to put in the effort. Hormonal balance (including insulin) and regular physical activity are the key pillars for achieving this.

    20-05-2024 13:01