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How quickly does progesterone cream work?

How quickly does progesterone cream work?

A question we get very often is: "How fast does progesterone cream work?" This question is very understandable, especially when you are experiencing unpleasant symptoms such as estrogen dominance or hot flashes during menopause. When you decide to start using progesterone cream, it’s perfectly logical to hope for quick relief from your complaints. You buy a jar or pump, start applying it, and expect to feel better almost immediately. Sometimes I get emails from women or men who have been applying it for a week and say that it doesn’t help, so they stop. They think that this is just another thing that doesn’t work. This is unfortunate and a missed opportunity.


How fast symptoms disappear

Although it often happens that symptoms disappear within a few days, that is simply not always the case. Sometimes patience is required, as it can take time for your hormones to come back into balance. It can sometimes even take several weeks to months. Usually not more than three months, but if there’s more going on in your body than just hormones needing to rebalance, it can even take up to six months before you really notice a reduction in your symptoms.


Worsening of symptoms

In some cases, your symptoms may even worsen at the beginning. This is something that sometimes happens and is nothing to worry about; it could be a sign that your body is working to restore hormonal balance.

The worsening of symptoms at the start of using progesterone cream can be confusing and unsettling, but it’s a phenomenon that occasionally occurs and in many cases is actually a positive sign. This phenomenon is often referred to as a "healing crisis," where your body reacts to a shift in hormonal balance.

When you start using progesterone cream, it affects your existing hormonal balance. For example, if you’ve had estrogen dominance for a long time, where your body is accustomed to high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels, the introduction of extra progesterone can initially lead to a temporary imbalance. Your body needs to adjust to this new balance, which may result in a temporary worsening of symptoms.


Cause of temporary worsening when applying cream

This temporary worsening can occur because progesterone has a regulatory function on various systems in the body. For example, progesterone acts as a natural diuretic, which may lead to a temporary increase in symptoms such as bloating or headaches as your body adjusts to the changed fluid balance.

Progesterone can also affect the functioning of certain enzymes and receptors in the body, which may lead to temporary fluctuations in how you feel.

Additionally, the increase in progesterone may cause stored excess estrogen in fat tissue to be released into the bloodstream. This can temporarily increase estrogen-related symptoms such as breast tenderness, mood swings, or even hot flashes. This happens because your body is trying to process and eliminate the excess estrogen, which can take some time.

Although this process can be uncomfortable, it’s important to realize that it’s a sign your body is working on restoring hormonal balance. It means that the progesterone cream is doing its job, and your body is finding a new balance.

This worsening of symptoms is temporary, and over time, usually a few weeks to months, symptoms will diminish, and you’ll start to feel better.

It is crucial to be patient during this period and continue applying the cream. Stopping or reducing the application can interrupt the recovery process and cause your hormones to become imbalanced again.


Important factors

Many factors determine how quickly progesterone cream will be effective for you. Every body is different, and how you respond to the cream can vary depending on your personal situation. Let’s explore these factors more deeply.

  1. Age Your age can play an important role in how your body reacts to progesterone cream. As you get older, your hormone levels naturally change. Women in menopause or postmenopausal women often have lower progesterone levels, which means their bodies may take more time to respond to the cream and restore hormonal balance.

  2. Duration and nature of your symptoms How long you’ve been dealing with hormonal symptoms and which specific symptoms you experience also affect how quickly you’ll feel relief. For instance, if you’ve been struggling with symptoms like irregular periods, hot flashes, or mood swings for years, it may take longer for the cream to take effect. The body needs more time to restore long-term imbalances.

  3. Existing health problems Hormonal imbalances can lead to other health problems such as insulin resistance or thyroid issues. These conditions can slow down the effectiveness of progesterone cream because they further disrupt the overall hormonal balance in your body.

    Insulin resistance, for example, affects how your body handles sugar and energy, which in turn impacts your hormonal system.

    When your thyroid is not functioning well, it can slow down your metabolism and make it harder for your body to process the cream effectively.

  4. Hereditary factors Heredity also plays a role. If your mother or other family members have had similar hormonal complaints, it may mean you are genetically predisposed to certain hormonal imbalances. This can affect how quickly and effectively progesterone cream will work for you.

  5. Weight and diet Your body weight and what you eat are crucial. Being overweight, for instance, can lead to increased estrogen production, which can counteract the effect of progesterone and slow down the recovery process. Diet also plays a role in how well your body can eliminate waste and support your liver in processing hormones.

  6. Hormonal status The status of your other hormones, such as cortisol (the stress hormone), can also have an effect. When you’re under a lot of stress, your body produces more cortisol, which can interfere with progesterone production and make it harder for the cream to be effective. Adrenal fatigue, caused by chronic stress, can further delay the process because your adrenal glands are also involved in hormone production.

  7. Body sensitivity and detoxification The sensitivity of your body to hormonal changes and its ability to remove waste are also important. If your body is sensitive, you may respond more quickly to changes in hormone levels, but this can also mean stronger initial reactions. Additionally, the condition of your liver, kidneys, and intestines plays a role in how well your body can eliminate waste and regulate hormones. Proper functioning of these organs is essential for restoring hormonal balance.


How fast does progesterone cream work

All these factors together determine how quickly your body can adapt to the use of progesterone cream. Therefore, it’s important to understand that everyone reacts differently and that it may take time before you see the desired results. Patience and consistency in using the cream are essential to give your body the chance to adjust and recover.

    30-08-2024 11:49     Comments ( 0 )
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