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Enzyme support

Enzyme Support

As we age, our bodies change in various ways, including how we digest food and absorb nutrients. Here are some reasons why it might be a good idea to take Enzyme Support (temporarily):

  1. Reduced production of digestive enzymes:
    When we're young, our bodies generally produce enough enzymes to digest food effectively. However, as we age, the production of these enzymes decreases. This can lead to less efficient digestion of food, especially complex nutrients like proteins, fats, and fibers. This reduces nutrient absorption, which can contribute to health problems such as malnutrition or a weakened immune system over time.


  2. Changes in stomach acid production:
    With age, stomach acid production often decreases. Sufficient stomach acid is essential for proper digestion. It helps enzymes like pepsin (for protein breakdown) function and kills harmful bacteria. If stomach acid production decreases, digestion and nutrient absorption become less efficient. Betaine HCl in "Enzyme Support" helps address this issue by supporting stomach acid production. Taking antacids exacerbates the problem. We need an "acidic" stomach to close the valve between the esophagus and stomach. Stomach acid problems are thus not solved by antacids but by Betaine HCL, which makes the stomach more acidic and resolves the issues.


  3. Digestive complaints:
    As enzyme production and stomach acid production decrease, digestive problems like bloating, gas, stomach pain, and indigestion may become more frequent. This occurs because food is no longer broken down properly, leading to fermentation in the intestines, causing discomfort. Using a broad spectrum of enzymes, like those in Enzyme Support, can help reduce these complaints.


  4. Reduced nutrient absorption:
    Due to lower enzyme and stomach acid levels, your body may absorb nutrients less effectively, potentially leading to deficiencies in essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. This can negatively affect energy levels, immunity, and overall health. Supplementing with enzymes can help your body better absorb and process nutrients, even as you age.


  5. Changes in diet and lifestyle:
    As people age, their eating habits often change. Some may eat less frequently or choose lighter meals, leading to lower intake of important nutrients. Older adults may also eat less fiber or complex foods, increasing the risk of digestive issues. Enzymes like cellulase in "Enzyme Support" can aid in digesting fiber, improving digestive comfort.


  6. Hormonal changes:
    The decline of certain hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone during menopause or andropause, can also indirectly impact digestion and metabolism. This can lead to changes in metabolism and how the body handles food. Enzyme Support can be a good addition when you are using hormone creams.


As we age, our bodies naturally decrease enzyme and stomach acid production, leading to less efficient digestion and nutrient absorption. This can result in digestive problems and nutrient deficiencies. Using Enzyme Support can help compensate for this decline by supporting the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fibers, so your body functions better and digestive complaints are reduced.

Ingredients in Enzyme Support:
The multi-enzyme complex contains a broad-spectrum complex of special enzymes (GMO-free):
Protease, Amylase, Lactase, Lipase, and Cellulase.
These enzymes are not broken down by stomach acid for optimal effectiveness.
For optimal effectiveness, Betaine HCl, Papaya, and Pineapple extract are added.
Unlike many similar products, the ingredients in Enzyme Support are of plant origin, making the product suitable for vegetarians.


Composition per daily dosage (3 capsules):

  • Herbs
    • Pineapple: 240 mg (Extract)
  • Other
    • Betaine HCl: 450 mg (USP 28)
    • Papaya: 240 mg (Extract 6000 IU/g)
    • Digezyme®: 300 mg (Enzyme Blend)

*) Reference Intake.

Category: Other
Ingredients: Betaine HCl, Microcrystalline Cellulose (Filler), Digezyme®, HPMC (Thickener/Capsule Shell), Pineapple Extract, Papaya Extract, Magnesium Stearate (Vegetable – Anti-caking Agent), Magnesium Silicate (Anti-caking Agent).
Allergy Information: This product contains no known allergens.

Take 1-2 capsules three times daily with water, preferably right before a meal or as advised.


Price details:
Price per unit:
€ 39,95 € 32,95
Quantity: Order
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